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Basic Excel Shortcut Keys | Excel Tutorial

Basic Excel Shortcut Keys:

MS Excel Shortcut Keys – Excel Keyboard shortcut keys help to reduces the usage of mouse and allow you to work with your keyboard. Basic excel shortcut keys help to achieve efficiency and work productivity. Learn ms excel online and become ms excel expert.
The commands covered here are apply to all popular versions of MS Excel such as MS Excel 2016, MS Excel 2013, MS Excel 2010, MS Excel 2007.

Basic Excel Shortcut Keys - Excel tutorial
Basic Excel Shortcut Keys –

Basic Excel Shortcut Keys:

  • Ctrl + N                         To open new workbook
  • Ctrl + O                         To open existing workbook
  • Use Ctrl + S                   To save new workbook   
  • Alt + F4                          To close excel workbook.
  • Tab                                  To move one cell right after completion of entry
  • Shift + Tab                     To move one cell left after completion of entry.
  • F2                                    To edit cell.  
  • Use F2 to edit and then Ctrl+A to edit formula in formula Bar
  • Use F2 to edit formula and then press F4 to make reference absolute or partial or to remove like $B$5 or B$5 or $B5. 
  • Esc                                  To cancel edit
  • Enter                              To move one cell down after completion of entry.
  • Shift Enter                     To move one cell up after completion of entry.
  • Home                              To Jump to beginning
  • End                                 To end of cell
  • Ctrl + F3                        To open name manager
  • Ctrl+Z                            To Undo last action
  • Ctrl+Y                            To Redo (after undo) or Repeat (when applying formats)
  • Alt+Enter                       To repeat last action (like formatting)
  • Shift + Arrow key          To select single cell up/down/left/right
  • Ctrl + A                          To select entire sheets
  • Ctrl + G                          To open Go To menu
  • Ctrl+X                            To Cut selected cell
  • Ctrl+C                            To Copy selected cells
  • Ctrl+V                            To Paste after copy or cut action performed
  • Ctrl+Alt+V                    To Open Paste Special Menu after copy or cut action performed
  • Alt+Enter                      To repeat a previous cell format action on current cell
  • Ctrl+1                            To Open Format Cells dialog with last selection active
  • Ctrl+B                           To Apply/ remove bold format
  • Ctrl+I                            To Apply/ remove italic format
  • Ctrl+U                           To Apply/ remove underline format
  • Ctrl + Space                 To select full column of active cell
  • Shift + Space                To select full row of active cell
  • Shift + F2                      To Insert or Edit a cell comment

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  Top Basic Excel shortcut keys:

  • Alt + =                           To use AutoSum formula
  • Ctrl + 9                          To hide selected rows
  • Ctrl + Shift + 9             To unhide hidden rows within the selected area
  • use Ctrl + 0                   To hide selected column
  • Ctrl + Shift + 0             To unhide hidden column within the selected area  
  • Ctrl + PageUp              To switch between sheets.(Left side)
  • Ctrl + PageDown             To switch between sheets.(Right Side)
  • Ctrl + .                          To change direction of selection when expanding
  • Alt + Tab                      To switch between workbooks
  • Ctrl + F1                      To maximize and minimize Excel Ribbon
  • use Alt + F1                  To insert chart with data
  • Alt + F11                      To Open VBA editor window 
  • Alt + F8                        To open Macro dialog box
  • Ctrl + K                        To Insert or Edit hyperlink
  • Ctrl + Shift + O            To select all cells having comments
  • use Ctrl + T                   To create auto table
  • Ctrl+F                            To open Find and Replace dialog box (with Find selected)
  • Ctrl+H                           To open Find and Replace dialog box (with Replace selected)
  • Alt+F                             To move to next searched text with Find and Replace dialog box
  • Alt+I                              To view all searched text with Find and Replace dialog box
  •  Shift+F4                       To move to next searched text (when search box closed)
  •  Ctrl+Shift+F4              To move to previous searched text (when search box closed)
  • Ctrl + Shift + U            To expand/collapse formula bar
  •  Shift + F3                     To display Insert Function dialog box(With empty cell)
  •  Shift + F3                     To edit argument of formula at cursor position(With formula in cell)
  • Ctrl + ~                         To display all the formula from the active sheet
  •  Press Ctrl + ’               To copy formula from above cell
  • Ctrl + D                        To fill down same contents as in above cell into current cell
  • Ctrl + R                        To fill down same contents as in left cell into current cell
  • use Ctrl + ;                    To Insert current date at cursor position
  • Ctrl + Shift + ;         To Insert current time at cursor position

Watch all 4 YouTube videos of excel shortcut keys. Double click inside frame for Full screen.

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